My name has been a burden my whole life but given the choice to change it, I would not - I believe too much of who I am today is linked to the struggles associated with my name. I have only met one other Cecily - a person told me his wife was named Cecily but as he was trying to sell me something at the time, I had a hard time accepting he was being truthful!
The story goes that my parents chose my name and that of my older sister, from the Canon on the Mass. Saints Cecilia and Felicitas. They anglicized it to Cecily (and Felicity). My aunt Sis was so smitten with this concept that she gave her daughter the middle name of Perpetua.
Here's an example of the challenge I face with my name.
Phone Call
Me - Hi, this is Cecily Clark.......
Other Person - Stephanie?
Me - No, Cecily.......
Other Person - Oh, Leslie.....
Me - No, Cecily.......
Other Person - Like the Actress?
Me - No, Cecily - not, Cicely......
Other Person - How do you spell it?
Person calls back - Hi, can I speak to Stephanie?
Me - Speaking.....
Having a lisp doesn't help. And when I was younger, I also had a stammer - double whammy. So when I started at my second school and was asked on my first day to stand up and tell everyone my name, I panicked and said 'Rosie'. All went well until the Principal came into the class and asked to speak to Cecily Coulter. My teacher replied, 'Oh I don't have a Cecily but I do have a Rosie'. BUSTED!
My name was a "burden" when I was about to start High School - too unusual at an age when all you want to do is fit in! But I am so glad I didn't change it. I love it now.