Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Sister

January 6 is the anniversary of my younger sister's death.  Not only was she my sister, she was my best friend (I've read this comment from others many times but for me it is so TRUE).  She did my roots for me, made pastries and desserts whenever I needed them (I never gave her credit - 'oh yes, isn't this pie marvelous - I used an old family recipe'), took road trips with me and I miss her every day. 

I had published a story about her but then decided it was too intimate and got up last night and deleted it.  I have many more stories about her that I will be sharing - like the time we both almost drowned when she made us laugh while we were swimming by commenting 'fun, eh bandit'.

She died just three months after our oldest sister.  I am convinvced our oldest sister took her to be with her again because she (as all of us) knew my younger sister just could not bear the loss and life as it had become.  Shortly after the deaths of my sisters, I went out to Vancouver to visit my daughter and I found a wind chime.  My sisters spoke to me through those chimes and when I hear them now, I know they are with me saying 'we love you!'.

1 comment:

  1. I still think about her all the time, too. Both of them, actually.
